Role of English Language Communication Lab in Elevating Learning of English In Engineering Curriculum
predominant, technically brilliant, English Language Lab, Career LabAbstract
Scientists and engineers may be technically brilliant and creative, but unless they have communicative skills, their technical skills will be unnoticed. Today’s engineer has to communicate with more number of his / her counterparts across the globe and has to travel to many continents and work away from their home country. The English language courses taught for engineering students in India were mostly knowledge based and not skill based. As a result, the engineers produced by the universities / colleges suffer largely due to lack of communicative skills to study in the world class institutions or work in global atmosphere. Considering all the above facts, the Anna University, Chennai has designed the English Communication Lab for engineering students which comprises of the four skills of learning – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing in addition to their theory. The lab practice is divided into two categories as “English Language Lab” where the listening comprehension, reading comprehension, vocabulary and speaking tests are conducted, and “Career Lab” where writing tests on Resume / Report, presentation, group discussion and interview skills are conducted. 40% of the total marks (100) in final examinations are given for the English language lab practice and the rest of 60% is given for the career lab practice for which the test and evaluation are decided by the examiners during final examinations. The main objective of this course is to develop student’s communication skills and send them for campus placement or recruitment. The present paper, in this context, highlights the syllabus of English communication lab. Besides, the data were collected from 50 English lecturers working in engineering colleges regarding the usefulness of the course. The respondents expressed a few barriers also. So this paper suggests some useful recommendations to overcome the barriers.